SIR Plan
Solutions for

Information Management,

Ressource Optimization and Planning Systems

• Dec. 10: SIR-Reorganisation: Dr. John is founding the SIR Dr. John UG, Mr. Windisch remains as General Director of SIR Plan GmbH,
• Oct. 10: Again Monday Morning Lectures: SIR Plan continues teaching at HTW Berlin (University of Applied Sciences). Again, Dr. John gives master lecture courses (Algorithms for Optimization in Logistics & Theoretical Computer Science) ,
• 22.09.10: Meet us at InnoTrans 2010! Make an appointment by phone, call: +49-(0)30 65 919 100,
• 21.-24.09.10: Product introduction at InnoTrans 2010: PC Soft GmbH introduces the resource-management software zedas®cargo Resource Manager (common development with SIR Plan).
  More information at the PC-Soft stand (Hall 3.2 | Stand-No. 202) !
• 6.09.10: IFA 2010: Planning and Optimization - discuss with us at IFA 2010! Make an appointment by phone, call: +49-(0)30 65 919 100,
• June 10: SIR Plan is contracted by Acando GmbH for joint consulting- and software-development in aviation,
• May 10: SIR Plan has joined the program committee of the 25th Workshop on "Planning/ Scheduling and Configuration/ Design (PuK)",
• Apr. 10: Again Morning Lectures: Dr. John gives also in the summer term master lecture courses (Algorithms and Software Engineering for Optimization and Planning & Theoretical Computer Science) at HTW Berlin (University of Applied Sciences),
• March 10: SIR Plan has joined the program committee of the "3rd Workshop on Declarative Modeling and Efficient Optimization - Thanks to Constraint Technology (MOC2010)",
• Feb. 10: Joint Software Development: PC Soft GmbH and SIR Plan GmbH start their second joint software-development project (zedas®cargo Resource Manager),
• Feb. 10: SIR Plan has joined the program committee of the "24th Workshop on Constraint Logic Programming (WLP2010)",
• 14.01.10: Strategic Development Partnership Arrangement between PC-Soft GmbH and SIR Plan GmbH,
• Sep 09: Software zedas®asset Resource Manager delivered to orderer PC-Soft GmbH,
• May 09: SIR Plan has joined the program committee of the Multi Conference on Business Informatics 2010 (MKWI 2010) (German) - Track Planning/ Scheduling and Configuration/ Design ,
• May 09: SIR Plan starts advisery activities in the Fraunhofer-Innovations-Cluster "Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul in Energy & Traffic (MRO);
  Special Field: "Robust Planning and Control of MRO-Plants and MRO-Processes" ,
• March 09: SIR Plan Contribution to Education in Germany: Dr. John gives lecture course in the field "Applied Informatics" at HTW Berlin (University of Applied Sciences),
• Feb. 09: SIR Plan has joined the program committee of the "23rd Workshop on (Constraint) Logic Programming (WLP2009)",
• Jan. 09: SIR Plan has joined the program committee of "Workshop on Declarative Modeling and Efficient Optimization - Thanks to Constraint Technology (MOC2009)",
• Dec. 08: Message from our french partner company COSYTEC: CHIP V5.9 is now available. Interessted parties inside Germany and Austria are requested to contact SIR Plan,
• 16.10.08: CHIP User's Meeting 2008 in Paris: SIR Plan presents the Project AutoMPP,
   Title of presentation: " Agility and Cost Optimization - Multi-Purpose Planning Software for Automotive Industry",
• 24.09.08: Meet us at InnoTrans 2008! Make an appointment by phone, call: +49-(0)30 65 919 100 (on 24th Sep redirected to mobile),
• Sep 09: Software Engineering for complex problems and decision support: SIR Plan is founding and directing the XING-Group "Constraint Programmierung" (Constraint Programming),
• 23.04.08: Meet us at Hannover Messe! Make an appointment by phone, call: +49-(0)30 65 919 100 (on 23rd Apr redirected to mobile),
• 17.03.08: Partnership Agreement for the Business Field "Planning Software" between COSYTEC S.A. and SIR Plan GmbH signed. more... ,
• 06.03.08: Meet us at CeBIT! Make an appointment by phone, call: +49-(0)30 65 919 100 (redirected to mobile),
• Feb. 08: SIR Plan has joined the program committee of MOC (Workshop on Declarative Modeling and Efficient Optimization - Thanks to Constraint Technology),
• Nov. 07: SIR Plan has joined GI-Arbeitskreis "Information Systems for Energy Industry",
• 28.08.07: SIR Plan GmbH established in Berlin

Events (some)
• 21.02. - 25.02.11: Software Engineering 2011, Karlsruhe,
• 16.02. - 18.02.11: 10. International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik, 2011, Zürich,
• 27.09. - 02.10.10: MOC 2010 - 3. Workshop "Deklarative Modellierung und effiziente Optimierung - dank Constraint-Technologie", Leipzig,
• 14.09. - 16.09.10: WLP 2010 - 24. Workshop für Constraint-Logische Programmierung, Cairo,
• 06.09. - 10.09.10: CP 2010 - 16th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, St. Andrews, Scotland,
• 01.09. - 03.09.10: OR 2010 - International Conference on Operational Research - "Mastering Complexity", Munich,
• 16.08. - 20.08.10: ECAI 2010 - 19th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Lisbon,
• 17.08.10: ECAI-Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Logistics, Lisbon,
• 16.08. - 17.08.10: ECAI-Workshop on Configuration, Lisbon,
• 11.07. - 15.07.10: AAAI 2010 - 24th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Atlanta,
• 11.07. - 15.07.10: IAAI 2010 - 22th International Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Atlanta,
• 14.06. - 18.06.10: CPAIOR 2010 - 7th International Conference on Integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Operations Research (OR) Techniques in Constraint Programming, Bologna,
• 07.06. - 09.06.10: SCLEurope 2010 - European Supply Chain and Logistics Summit 2010, Praha,
• 23.02. - 25.02.10: MKWI2010-Track Enterprise Resource Planning und Transformation von ERP-Systemen, Göttingen,
• 23.02. - 25.02.10: MKWI2010-Track IT in der Energiewirtschaft, Göttingen,
• 23.02. - 25.02.10: MKWI2010-Track Planung/ Scheduling und Konfigurieren/ Entwerfen (24. PuK-Workshop), Göttingen,
• 23.02. - 25.02.10: Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI 2010), Göttingen,
• 22.02. - 26.02.10: Software Engineering 2010, Paderborn,

Previous Events (before 2010)
• 28.09.09: Workshop on Declarative Modeling and Efficient Optimization - Thanks to Constraint Technology (MOC 2009). Workshop auf INFORMATIK 2009, Lübeck,
• 28.09. - 02.10.09: INFORMATIK 2009 - Im Focus das Leben, 39. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI), Lübeck,
• 14.09. - 15.09.09: 23rd Workshop on (Constraint) Logic Programming (WLP 2009), Potsdam,
• 25.02. - 27.02.09: Wirtschaftsinformatik 2009, Wien,
• 22.10. - 24.10.08: 25. Deutscher Logistik-Kongress, Berlin,
• 01.10. - 02.10.08: 13. ASIM Fachtagung "Simulation in Produktion und Logistik", Berlin,
• 30.09. - 01.10.08: 22nd Workshop on (Constraint) Logic Programming (WLP 2008), Dresden,
• 14.09. - 18.09.08: 14th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP 2008), Sydney, Australia,
• 08.09. - 13.09.08: INFORMATIK 2008 - Beherrschbare Systeme - dank Informatik, 38. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI), München,
• 08.09.08: Deklarative Modellierung und effiziente Optimierung - dank Constraint-Technologie. Workshop auf INFORMATIK 2008, München,
• 03.09. - 05.09.08: International Conference on Operations Research 2008 - OR and Global Business, Augsburg,
• 21.07. - 25.07.08: 18th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2008), Patras, Greece,
• 14.07. - 18.07.08: 16th Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC 2008), Glasgow, Scotland,
• 13.07. - 17.07.08: 23rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Chicago, Illinois,
• 18.06. - 20.06.08: 21st International Conference on Industrial, Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems, Wroclaw, Poland,
• 11.06. - 12.06.08: 4. Wissenschaftssymposium Logistik, München,
• 03.04. - 04.04.08: 17. Deutscher Materialfluss-Kongress, München,
• 26.02. - 28.02.08: Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI 2008), München,
• 29.01. - 30.01.08: Energieeffiziente Fabrik in der Automobil-Produktion, München,
• 24.01.08: 6. Branchenforum Automobil-Logistik, Neckarsulm,
• 29.11.07: Energiesysteme im Wandel - Queen's Lecture, TU Berlin,
• 06.11.07: Das DESERTEC Konzept "Saubere, sichere und günstige Energie aus Wüsten für Europa, Nahen Osten und Nord-Afrika" - Sonderpräsentation, Berlin,
• 17.10. - 19.10.07: 24. Deutscher Logistik-Kongress, Berlin,
• 04.10. - 06.10.07: 21st Workshop on (Constraint) Logic Programming (WLP 2007), Würzburg,
• 04.10. - 06.10.07: International Conference on Applications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management (INAP 2007), Würzburg,
• 24.09. - 27.09.07: INFORMATIK 2007 - Informatik trifft Logistik, 37. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI), Bremen,
• 23.09. - 27.09.07: 13th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP 2007), Providence, USA.

© 2013 SIR Plan GmbH, Berlin.